Today is Overdose Awarness Day

This is such a sad thing to have to talk about. I know I’ve had my share of experience with drug addiction via my son. It is such a shame to watch a loved one throw their life away over some petty substance. It doesn’t even make them a better person, actually it does the opposite. It creates a monster.

Some people don’t understand addiction. They think that the person can mearly stop using and things will get better for them. That is easier said than done.

The worst part of addiction is the fact that they have lost every ounce of will power they ever had. It is stripped away more and more each time they use. That which is taken away in a matter of days or hours of use will take years and years to restore.

It is crippling. They eventually lose everything they ever held dear to them. Even loved ones.

Did you know that when a person has been clean for just 28 days they are at the highest risk for a drug overdose?

This is caused by their tolerance level to the substance that begins to lower and they have not yet made the connection. So they go on to use, thinking they should be taking the same dosage they were using before they stopped. They do this not knowing that their bodies can no longer handle this amount of the substance. Most will overdose and many of those will die.

So when you pop that ibuprophen today for that headache, take the time to think about what it must be like for an addict. The pain they go through while they withdraw from their substance. I hear it is worse than a migraine. It makes their whole body hurt.

Fortunately I have not had to witness an overdose. I hope I never have to. But I am worried. My son is about to enter a rehab once again. This time it is one of those 28 day programs, and knowing what I know now about how dangerous these 28 day programs are, it kind of scares me.

If only there were more programs out there, and they were all on the same page, with longer terms to keep our loved ones clean.

They are right to say that drug addiction has become a national health problem.

ROW 80 Check-In:

Last week I finished up the edits to Aaron & Keja, which is the first book in my fantasy series, Orgarlan Saga. This week I will begin the edits on Witch Book. That is the second book in the series. After which I should be able to begin my plotting of the next book in the series.

My goal is to some how get all the characters from both of the books into the next book. Will I succeed? I don’t know. But I will sure as hell try.

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