Naga Fireballs – Gas or a Real Dragon?

Image courtesy of Bing Images Creative Commons – 10 Potentially Paranormal Examples of Spook Light Phenomenon -Naga …

Today, at work, I received a bit of a geography lesson from a co-worker. She is from Thailand. I guess, from what I could make out from what she was saying, next month holds a significant festival for her country. It is really difficult to understand her sometimes, as her accent is very thick.

She spoke about the Naga Fireballs that are seen on the Mekong River. From what I learned, it is one of those unexplained phenomena that people flock to see every year. Scientists say it is something they haven’t actually explained. Some say it has to do with gasses trapped below the surface, others say that it doesn’t really explain how the sparks are made. Nor how they can shoot up into the air from below the water’s surface.

English: Wayang kulit figure, representing a d...
English: Wayang kulit figure, representing a dragon, naga Nederlands: Schaduwfiguur. Wajangfiguur van karbouwenhuid, voorstellende een draak Unknown language: naga Wayang kulit (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I like the dragon theory. If dinosaurs existed at one time, why not dragons? We’ve read fairy tales about knights killing dragons to save the princess. These type stories are found in many of the different European countries. Why couldn’t they exist?

I know, I’m grappling at tales.

But think about it, we have the paranormal phenomena – unexplained. Then there’s Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster. Why not a dragon? It could be listed as the last dragon in the world.

English: Loch Ness Monster
English: Loch Ness Monster (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Have you ever seen a ghost? I know I witnessed a ghost presence many years ago. I believe they’re real. Especially after what I saw happen. When a radio, from back in the ‘80’s with a dial tuner changes channels while the radio is tilted up in that direction, then you know something is not right. Gravity should have been stronger – right?

That’s what happened to me and my first husband in our first apartment. He put the radio on an oldies station – playing 60’s music, and the station changed to classical music all on its own. He went over to the radio three times that night to fix the position. After the third try, he decided to jack one end of the radio up, thinking possibly that the floor was warped. When the tuner dial moved to that channel once again, even though gravity said it shouldn’t, we knew someone had to have had helped it change.

He then went around the room yelling at whoever, that had been changing his radio station that they needed to change it back. He would only agree to listen to classical music before going to bed, but he wasn’t ready to do that just yet.

Surprisingly, the station was returned to his exact channel by whoever handled changing it in the first place. My first encounter with a ghost.

Turns out, an old lady burned to death in that house back in the 1800’s. I hear she loved classical music.


ROW80 Check-In:

I haven’t done much work on that wip since Sunday. That was when I had written over 1k words. I’ve been a bit stuck with how to get the character from point A to point B in the plot. If something doesn’t change fast, she is going to appear to be a stalker. I don’t want that.

I did a bit of brainstorming with another co-worker today. She gave me a pretty good idea which may allow me to use a scene that I had cut from the manuscript. I now keep all parts I cut out in hopes of finding a way to recycle that scene. This means the word count may go through a big jump this weekend.

Having co-workers like mine, make it worthwhile to have a full time job and write at the same time. They are full of ideas, and sometimes their little lessons from their homelands can lead to other ideas as well.

Clouded Writing

Writing has been going slow – still. I don’t know if I’m trying to do too much with sewing a quilt, crocheting a doll and writing a story. Don’t forget the blog posts.

I also have too many unfinished works in progress piling up. How? Well, I come across a prompt that jars something in my muse and I start writing. Then the tree falls across the path and I can’t get over it or around it. I don’t think it is a plot hole. Maybe that’s the problem. Maybe I need to dig a tunnel under the tree to get around it. Hmm – I wonder what’s under the surface?

I love reading fantasy! Game of Thrones is my ultimate high. I’m on book four after reading one book a month. But like I said, maybe I have too much going on. Don’t forget the hot weather. I should be done with book four, but I’m still at 6%. It’s not that I’ve lost interest. I think there are other things distracting me.

I love GRRM writing! I love the way he builds his characters, shows the settings, fills in the backstory, and mystifies the plot. – By the way – I believe Jon Snow will live. I haven’t gotten to that part of the storyline, but he is a warg and if they don’t kill his wolf, he should live on – unless he is beheaded.

I have to finish reading the series, there’s no doubt about that. I want to learn to be a writer like him, weave a story just like George Martin. Settings and description always give me the most trouble. I’m not actually sure about how well my characters are built. Those will take a bit more skill too.

Blogging does help with my writing, along with time and patience.

I’m trying to build a blogging schedule. That’s not the easiest thing to do when you work a full-time job. Please forgive me if I go off schedule from time to time. At least now, I have a vague idea as to what my blogging schedule could look like. A bit of photo, poetry, flash fiction, quotes of the day, news flashes, and any other craziness I can come across.

Next month my RWA meetings return. Monadnock Writers’ Group begins their meetings again too.

It’s been a busy summer, with health issues and recovery. Returning to work was most welcome when I started feeling better and grow stir crazy. I think I’ve had a full overhaul this summer, between doctors, eye doctors, and dentists.

My hopes for this fall are:

  1. Finish one work in progress
  2. Pick and can applesauce
  3. Go to King Arthur’s Fair in Carver Mass.
  4. Take pictures of Fall leaves
  5. Make sure the Maple trees are marked with paint so I can tell them from the Oaks in February for Sugaring Season.

That’s five things. I’d be happy if I could at least get around to doing one of them.

What are your plans for the coming fall?