“If we were having coffee…”? – #weekendcoffeeshare

English: A photo of a cup of coffee. Esperanto...
English: A photo of a cup of coffee. Esperanto: Taso de kafo. Français : Photo d’une tasse de caffé Español: Taza de café (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’d tell you why such a glum face.

I’m one of those writers who needs to keep a full-time day job besides writing. It is how I connect to the world. Interacting with people is what keeps me going. It is where I can come up with new ideas. Inspiration comes from the daily interaction with co-workers.

So why so glum, you ask?

For the past few weeks, I was part of a workforce reduction. That’s right. I was displaced and left to scour the internet in search of a new day job. It’s not so easy to do these days, that is unless you have some sort of degree.

Last week, out of frustration, I applied to go back to school to get that needed degree. I should hear back within the coming weeks. It does look promising. I also got my job back – pfff – as a Temp, that is.

I used to believe that companies would reward their workers for loyalty and good work ethics. I guess that isn’t the case anymore. Or at least, at this company. I know, you ask, why go back to them? I had no choice. I need the job and the interaction if I’m going to write.

“I’ll be that one person who continues to work until the day they die.” – Linda Nelson


Short Stories #Free for you to #Read

I have a short story collection I have compiled over the years. Every time I write another one I add it to this collection. The eBook edition is easy enough to update and add new ones to it. The paperback is updated every so many years, when necessary.

Since this book is a sample collection, it will be my free sampler. I’m making it per-ma-free. It is already free on Apple. Barnes & Noble will be free in a few days. I’m not sure how long it will take for Amazon’s bots to pick up on the free price. You are welcome to notify them that you’ve found it free at Apple.

Then, there is always Smashwords.com too.

Happy Easter and Happy Reading!

Time Pieces
eBook short story collection