If We Were Having Coffee, I would tell you… 4th of July Holiday was The Hottest

Nitin Dhumal at Pexels

Good grief!

I have longed for summer to start for the past six months but all that heat at once was not on my agenda. We have no Air Conditioning in our home due to the cost of the added electricity on the bill. The fans did run all week long, and they didn’t seem to help much with the high humidity. After taking Monday and Tuesday off and having Wednesday as my holiday, I could not wait to get back to work and find relief from the humidity by hiding at the office and enjoying the perk of office air conditioning. I didn’t want to leave work because the humidity was unbearable.

They always say, be careful about what you wish for because you might not like what you get. I wanted summer to arrive since winter is not one of my favorite seasons. I was when I was a kid; I don’t know what I was thinking back then. I remember spending hours out in the snow, sledding and making snow forts. Now I can’t spend more than 5 minutes in it before I am freezing.

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Short Summer Break from School

This past week was my big summer break from school. I finished up American Studies which was the study of the American Family from the Puritan Era to Contemporary 1980’s. I guess we do not need to study families of today because we are busy experiencing today’s concept.

I enjoyed the class. We did have to read My Sister’s Keeper and Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. Harriet Jacobs story was interesting and saddening. The treatment of women, both slaves and white women during the 1800’s was horrific. The rape, emotional abuse, and physical abuse they had to endure while trying to keep their families together was the theme of the book. White women had to deal with their cheating husbands who tried to excuse their behavior by blaming the need for their infidelity on keeping the slave stock breeding. It must have been hard on the wives to see so many slave children running around with faces similar to their husbands and the knowledge of how they came to be. Black women put up with torture as well. The 1800’s was a very trying time to be a woman.

My other class was just plain fun. Fundamentals of Music focused on the theory of music. It was one of my easiest classes. Not sure if this was because I had six years of band experience with clarinet lessons the main reason why the course did not appear to be that difficult for me.

Next term, which starts this Monday, my classes will be Investment Analysis and International Business, marking two terms left until I begin my Senior year. If all goes well, I will have my bachelor’s degree by October 2019. Woot!

I have come so far and worked so hard to get here. The plan I have for when the schooling finishes is to write book after book after book since I won’t know what to do with myself when I don’t need to study any longer.


The Garden

The plants are growing. Tomatoes have set fruit; the beans are loaded with flowers and setting their pods. The zucchini is getting big, and I see many buds coming. Our cucumbers are vining, and the peppers have also set fruit. The grapes have gone wild with vines going everywhere. I chopped back the vines in late spring, and you could not be able to tell now if you were to see them.

We have peaches, apples, and some cherries. Three cherries out of twenty I guess is not a bad ratio when the birds are added to the equation. Now if only I can keep the apples on the tree this year we will be looking great for the fall. We are in the middle of a drought here in New England just like last summer. Last year, all the apples dropped from the tree before August because there wasn’t enough rain.

woman wearing black framed eyeglasses and teal button up shirt and beige blazer sitting at table near white macbook
Photo by Startup Stock Photos on Pexels.com

Plotting and Pantstering

More brainstorming is needed even though I am off to a good start with the current ms. The story is stalling already, and I am dissatisfied with the direction the story is heading. I fear it will need many revisions before it resembles what I was hoping to achieve.


Well, off to enjoy some more sunshine before the humidity comes back for Monday and I become too busy to enjoy the sun because classes will start again up then too.


Until next time, bottoms up!

If we were having Coffee, I’d tell you…life is on the move.


Busy ~ Busy ~ Busy

Oh my, I looked at my site the other day and realized that time has passed since my last post. I missed a whole month. I don’t know how that happened. It‘s not that the homework has been super challenging, just lots of reading and thinking. Today was the last day of Third Term.

We got this!

Term 3 courses were Human Relations and Social Psychology. They are more related than one would think. They are both about understanding people and why they do the things they do and how best to relate to others, very interesting stuff. I’m glad I read those last few books on my too read pile. They were very helpful with the Human Relations class.

What books were those?





Those five books made it easy for me to breeze through Human Relations. If you haven’t read them, I highly suggest that you check them out.

What is coming up for Term 4?

I am looking at Social Policy and Public Administration for this term. I suspect that both of these classes will be interesting as well.

Graduation Is May 12th!

I will be attending my first graduation since 1983 to receive my Associates of Arts for Business Administration. They even sent me an Honors sash. Woot! I read on the FPU site that I will be getting my honors cords at a ceremony on May 9th.

When I was in High School, I never made honors, so this is a pretty big deal for me. I will attribute all my hard work because of learning about discipline from NaNoWriMo. Studying and keeping up with school work does take a lot of focus and discipline. Procrastination is not a good study habit. I like slow and steady, and then I don’t have to worry about panicking to get the work done on time. Deadlines – learning to meet deadlines on time takes discipline and focus.

What else is happening?

I’m accepted into the MBA program at FPU. I was going to seek my MBA in Human Resources, but the narrow competitive field was brought to my attention so I quickly got in touch with my student advisor and she suggested an additional path of an MBA in Leadership and a Graduate certificate in HR which should prove interesting and do-able.

Last but least…

I am making a transition from the manufacturing floor to administration. Woot! I’m moving up in the world. I have my own desk, a cubicle and a pile of purchase orders to fill and file. I like it even though it is working with numbers. At least I don’t have to do much adding. The software does all the adding for me.


Abby at 9 weeks old.

I almost forgot. We have a new addition to the family. Keelaa’s new best friend, a kitten named, Abby. They are best friends for life until Abby sinks her claws into Keelaa’s behind. Then they go to their separate corners for a couple of hours before doing it all over again.