Reflections of 2013

The year is just about over, and many people will be working on New Year’s resolutions – goals for the coming year. But for now I want to take the time to look back and remember where I have come from.

How and why did I begin writing?

It all started for me back in 2008 when my daughter said, Mom come check out My Space. I looked and saw all the blogs on the site and began reading. It was a neat way to keep a kind of journal of some sort to share with others. We left comments for each other, made friends, and left lots of Kudos.

Do you remember Kudos?

Then my daughter turned 18. Ah – the proper age when the child is supposed to leave the nest. The only thing was, she hadn’t finished High School. Ugh!

Yep – she left home – no rhyme or reason. Quit school too.

I was mad. What kind of sane mother wouldn’t be? I went through life trying to help her make it from point A to point B. One grade to the next – it wasn’t my fault that she needed to stay back in school a couple of times. The first time was absolutely all on her. She wanted to be obstinate while in Kindergarten. She is my stubborn child.

So, when she left home in 2009, of course, I was mad. That was the year I wrote Friends of Choice. I put all my worries, fears, angers, and everything into that story. I also wanted her to know that I was actually listening to her all those years. I got her. I knew how she felt, by feeling out of control because we had to move when she was finally in a school that she truly was accepted into.

By the time, the book Road Salt came about my son had entered back into the picture. We had an on and off relationship for the past ten years while he lived with his dad. Most of that time he spent getting into trouble with drug addiction related crimes.

2010 was the year my Granddaughter was born. She and my daughter now reside in upstate NY. That was the year that I published Friends of Choice.

In 2011, my son entered a residential rehab and remained in that program for just about a year. While he was there, my writing began to take on a different meaning. I no longer felt as if I were writing just for myself. I was now writing with a purpose. I wanted to help the public learn about drug addiction and how it can find its way into all walks of life. No one is immune to the disease of addiction.

Road Salt was a hard piece to write. I wanted compelling facts for this fictional story, and without the story sounding too preachy. Besides, the designer drug bath salts is a terribly scary substance.

By the time, I was half way done writing Road Salt, a good friend of mine introduced me to Romance Writers of America. Now I had a new element to add to my writing. This was a new challenge for me.

To many times drug addiction ends in tragedy with the user dying from their drug usage accidently.

In Along Came Neil, I not only sought to write a story about romance, but I wanted to learn how to write a story with a happy ending. When I accomplished this for the first time, it felt fantastic.

Everyone desires to have Happy Ending no matter how much they have screwed their lives up over the years. There is always that small chance that they might make just one single choice that might lead them to recover their lives and live. It does happen. Not as often as it should

If only there were more residential rehabs out there like Delancy Street or the Phoenix House maybe more people would be able to find the strength to stand up against and fight back substance abuse. If the government were to spend money as they spend on the incarceration of an addict, on recovery programs where solid communities are made, maybe more of these addicts would become active community law-abiding citizens and survive to live more than just another day.

Yes, I write fantasy too.

Will I stop writing stories like Road Salt?

No – I can’t. Stories like Road Salt give me a compelling reason to write.

Over the NaNo and on with the #ROW80 Update

Thanksgiving is over, and the turkey is dwindling, NaNoWri Mo is over.

Were you successful with the NaNo Challenge?

I wasn’t. I never expected to finish on time anyways. But I was fine with that.

After writing almost 15k words on The Dubious Heir I must say I kind of like how it is shaping out.

NaNo said I averaged about 400 words a day. I can live with that kind of average. It is a doable average. At that rate, I should be done with the first draft by the end of February. This story marks once again, uncharted waters. This is a story where the censoring filters are to be shut off. An Adults only story that I am writing for sheer fun.

I like trying new things. You never know what you might learn from just trying. Maybe a new concept, new idea, a different form of voice.

Writers are always evolving. Each new story can take them into another direction.

So, it’s been awhile since I last did ROW80 check-in. I can report a total of 400 words written for today. Most of my Christmas shopping is done – does that count? Oh right, writing, not wrapping and shopping. It is just one more distraction out of the way.

New goal, for the week. 400 words a day. If I try writing 400 words a day for a week, who knows maybe I will get back into the daily writing habit I had over a year ago. I just need to stay away from World of Warcraft if I want to succeed.

How about you? Did you finish your NaNo?

How about your Holiday Shopping?

There were some pretty decent deals over the past week.

I wonder what kind of deals they will have for Cyber Monday?