Where would I be without my Computer?

What a good question.

I don’t think that this would have been a problem four years ago before I started writing. I may have missed the online communities, but I would have gotten over that problem.

My computer has become the center point for all my writing. It’s my tool. I don’t think I would adjust well to switching back to a typewriter. The correction tape is such a thing of the past. I remember using it back when I was in high school, or the eraser pencil from way back then that tore holes into your page if you scrubbed that type to hard. I don’t miss typewriters at all.

Have you ever used one? If you have it shows your age. – he he he

But if you think about it – where would you be without your computer? Or tablet for that matter?

Would you be able to survive?

Five years ago, in southern NH we had a bad ice storm that wiped out power to a good portion of the state. We went without power in our home for 12 days. It was a nightmare. Back then we didn’t even own a woodstove. We quickly rectified that problem.

But not only was our power gone, our phone was gone too. I had to take my cellphone to work just to keep it charged in case of emergencies.

Now we own a generator. (Thank God)

If I didn’t have my computer I would be lost. The internet would be gone. My ability to create those amazing covers of mine would be gone. I would be reduced to using a typewriter and having holes in my manuscript from the eraser pencil. Spell check and grammar check would be gone, and I would be forced to mail – mail my manuscripts to a publishing house. I wouldn’t be able to self publish. Oh No!

Yup – my computer has become the center of my writing life.

What do you think? Do think you could survive in this day and age without your computer or tablet device?


ROW80 Update:

My goal for this month is to reestablish my blogging. I have been to lazy for quite sometime. I need to get back into the habit of posting twice a week.

What I’ve been up to: For the past few weeks I have been busy preparing Along Came Neil to hit the Kindle shelf. That is done.

Now I am going through each of my previously published works with line edits. I think I have seen an improvement. I just finished up the edits on my Teen Contemporary Series. My Orgarlan Series is up for the edits next. Once those are done I will be able to begin the next book in that series. (I can’t wait)

I am dying to get back to my fantasy world. I’ve had enough of the drama in a teen drug crazed world for now. If you’ve ever known an addict you would know what I’m talking about. It does get to you after a while. Fortunately my books are pretty tame to how they really are in the real world.

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